Batch downloading from OSF

The data are all hosted on OSF:

If you only want a few files, then browsing the website an manually downloading works fine. This page describes how to download files in bulk. It is not immediately obvious how to do so, because you need to get the URLs of the files you want to download.

All latest files

We provide a tab-delimited file of all the files that are on OSF for the whole AllTheBacteria project: all_atb_files.tsv. This is subject to change, and is updated when files change on OSF.

The columns are:

  • project: the name of the project/component, plus its parents, with the names separated by /. For example the Metadata component sits directly under the main AllTheBacteria project, and is called AlTheBacteria/Metadata.

  • project_id: the project identifier. This is useful if you want to make your own file list (see below)

  • filename: the name of the file

  • url: the URL of the file

  • md5: the MD5 sum of the file

  • size(MB): size of the file in MB

Using this file, it is then relatively easy to batch download. For example, the ENA metadata file for release 0.2 has this information:

project     AllTheBacteria/Metadata
project_id  h7wzy
filename    0.2/ena_metadata.tsv.gz
md5         47d03a4892ae6ec5f337c9854e67b7af

You could use wget to download:

wget -O ena_metadata.tsv.gz

and then check the MD5 sum is correct.

Making file lists

Ignore this section if you just want to use the file list provided by us. Otherwise, keep reading.

A file list can be made with this script:

It gathers all the files for one component on OSF, taking the identifier you see in the component’s URL as input. It recursively finds all descendants of component that you give it, in other words, all of the sub-projects/components underneath the main component.

The default output format is TSV, which is what we use to make the lists that go on OSF, with the columns as described above. You can instead get JSON output, which returns all the metadata for each file, with --format json. This contains a large amount of data!

Get all the files

The project identifier of AllTheBacteria is xv7q9. The file all_atb_files.tsv is made with: xv7q9 > all_atb_files.tsv

Files for one project

You need to find the project identifier to input to This will be in the file all_atb_files.tsv (the project_id column), or at the end of the URL in your browser. For example, the URL of the metadata component is and you need to input h7wzy to the script. The usage is: h7wzy > file_list.tsv

(replace h7wzy with the appropriate string depending on the component you want).